Synchronized Sound and Light Therapy

Johny Dar, Founder and CEO

Ever since I was young, I've been driven to chase my dreams. Back in 1999, I took a big step towards realising my passion by launching my own fashion label, Johnny Wonder, while I was still in college studying Apparel Manufacturing Management. To my surprise, my label took off immediately and I was soon rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest names in fashion. I was invited to show my collection alongside the likes of Calvin Klein and Donna Karan, and received a thunderous standing ovation from an audience that included superstars like Naomi Campbell and Puff Daddy. To top it off, my designs were even worn by legends like Shakira and P!nk. Investors and offers from top brands were coming in left and right - it was an incredible time!

Despite all the accolades and accomplishments, I still felt unfulfilled. I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that there was something more out there for me, a deeper purpose calling me. So, I took a leap of faith and listened to that inner voice, even though it meant letting go of everything I had worked so hard to achieve. I was determined to explore my heart and figure out what I was really meant to do in life.

With that goal in mind, I set off on a journey of self-discovery, traveling to far-off places like Thailand, India, Japan, and China to learn about various forms of healing and medicine. Along the way, I discovered my true passion for art and honed my own unique style of hand-drawn work, inspired and awed by the beauty and complexity of the organic geometry that underlies all living things. This journey completely changed my life and gave me a sense of purpose I never thought possible.

Years after my departure from LA, I found myself in a life-or-death situation on a mountain. It was there, in the darkest moment, that I made a truly incredible discovery - I could produce light from within my own body. This light kept me alive in sub-zero temperatures, without any shelter, food, or protection from the elements. I realised that I had somehow activated my innate healing frequency, which was fuelling my body's organic ability to produce light and self-heal.

That fateful night on the mountain convinced me that this discovery was the reason I made it through, and when I awoke the next morning, I was certain that activating that frequency held the key to a happier and healthier life. I was inspired to share this knowledge with others and help people tap into their own inner power to achieve better health and well-being.